Schadens- und Zinsforderung von Vanni ERMARCORA + Schweiz. Radio- und Fernsehgesellschaft


Respondant: Yan LOPEZ

Request for damage and interests of Vanni ERMARCORA and the Swiss Radio and Television Society

Date and time: Tuesday, April 13, 2021, 1:30 p.m.
Place: Tribunal de première instance, Rue de l’Athénée 6, 1205 Genève

Bâtiment R, R10


Yan LOPEZ had the guts and merit to denounce certain paedocriminal executives of the French-speaking Swiss television:

He was discreetly arrested and placed in solitary confinement on October 17, 2019 by the Geneva judicial Police on the orders of the corrupt Geneva Prosecutor General Olivier JORNOT and released after 4 months without a court sentence on February 13, 2020. Indeed, the Prosecutor General Olivier JORNOT owes these paedo-criminal top journalists a payback. They made sure that their staff did not get lost, for example, investigating how JORNOT was suddenly able to finance the purchase of 2 luxury flats, one for himself and the other for his mistress, after going easy on the money laundering bank HSBC.

It works on the principle « I got you, you got me by the balls. »

Now the plaintiffs have foolishly come forward and are suing civilly for their damages and civil claim.

Various independent journalists have confirmed Yan LOPEZ’s revelations. For more on the background see:

Citizens, come in large numbers to support Yan LOPEZ, whistleblower against the organised paedo-criminality.


Sincerely yours

Gerhard ULRICH